Week 7: Wiki's

This week we are learning about wiki's and just by chance last week I started a wiki to help track Audio and Video sets that may have missing parts with the hope that we can combine like sets together. Its a simple one and right now its locked down since it was only made as an example, but here are a few screen shots of it.

Front page


Audio Discs

and also one of Skeletor

Wikis can be very useful tools but any that are open to the public have to be taken with a grain of salt. Since anyone can edit them you never know if your information is valid, or the ravings of a lunatic. There is a whole subset of the internet much like the phone phreaks of the past that love to deface and derail popular wiki pages. Sometimes even the subjects of wiki pages will get into an editing war defacing each others pages and related articles. Sometimes people just edit out facts they do not like or that cast them in a bad light


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