Week-8 Gaming

I have been a gamer pretty much all my life.  I started out early on the Atari 2600 my brother and I got as a Christmas gift in 1979 or so.   We spent hours playing games with our friends.  We then moved on to Colecovision and Intellivision then nintendo and so on. At the same time we were all  beginning to play pen and paper Role playing games(RPG) like Dungeons and Dragons, Twilight 2000, Paranoia, Top Secret, Cyberpunk and countless others. Table top gaming came into the picture at some point with games like Battletech and Car wars.

What was great and let us get exposed to all of this even tho our parents were not rich was as a group we shared all these game and even worked together to make sure we didn't have too much duplication of stuff.

Some where along the way we got into computers too.  First there were the Tandy computers.
They got our feet wet then came the Commodore Computers and for the first time we could actually play D&D on a computer.  Then in the early 90's we heard about Neverwinter nights.  A D&D computer game you could play with people all over the world.  Then when the Internet began to really take off there were games like Diablo and Ultima.

Diablo and its many expansions and the sequel held me for a while.  I stopped getting gaming systems and just focused on online games of all sorts:
Real time strategy games like Command and conquer, Starcraft and Star wars Battle Grounds
First person shooters like Quake, Soldier of fortune, battlefield 1942 and counter strike
Then in 2004 I started playing Lineage 2 which was just awful and I played it for less than a month.  Shortly after quitting that I got invited into the Beta for World of Warcraft by a friend.  I have been playing now off an on for almost 5 years.

If you play look me up I'm Buboes a level 80 undead Warlock on Stormscale.  You may also find me there on Samsqwantch a tauren Druid, or Woofenstien my undead priest.
I also have a level 40 Draenei priest on Bloodhoof named Kathulos but I don't play him that much.

I tried Second life a few yeas ago, my brother plays that, but it is just not my cup of tea.  I like to have objectives in a game and I am honestly not that social of a gamer.  if ind a group I like and stick with them.


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